Insight Blog
Sharing reports, case studies, and articles to help you understand water intelligence insight.

Optimizing Water Management in North Dakota
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe United States’ top two oil producing basins seem worlds apart. At the time of writing, an April blizzard was howling through Williston, North Dakota,

The Alchemy of Water: Mining Materials from Produced Water
Reading Time: 9 minutesBy Kylie Wright In the 19th and early 20th centuries, agriculture largely relied upon nitrogen fertilizer sourced from bird guano collected from “guano islands.1 ”

Get Water Insights Straight to Your Inbox with CAM
Reading Time: 3 minutesBy Abby Michel What’s better than making a good decision? Making a great decision – one that’s highly informed and efficiently made – and making

12 Key Permian Water Insights from Industry Conversations
Reading Time: 4 minutesBy Kylie Wright Many recent industry conversations have reflected the constantly shifting economic and regulatory landscape impacting the Oil and Gas and Oilfield Water Industries.

Seismicity, Reuse, and Water Balance: Thoughts on the 2022 Permian Basin Water in Energy Conference
Reading Time: 3 minutesBy Kylie Wright This year’s Permian Basin Water in Energy Conference (PBWIEC) in February hit quite a sweet spot for the oilfield water management industry.

Olympic Curling and Water Management: Thoughts on the 2022 Produced Water Society Seminar
Reading Time: 3 minutesBy Kylie Wright The thing about being in an emerging niche in a massive industry like oil and gas is that some days can feel

Improving Everyday Water Management with the OilfieldH2O Platform
Reading Time: 5 minutesBy Rob Chrisman At B3, we’re obsessed with water and data and it’s easy to find interesting topics with so much going on in the

Introducing OilfieldH2O 3.0: Analytics-ready water data with more capabilities than ever
Reading Time: 4 minutesBy Sam Fox & Abby Michel Fast track opportunities, solve challenges, and unlock new business potential better than ever with the new OilfieldH2O 3.0 platform.

RRC Shutters Gardendale Area Wells, Displacing ~4.5 million Barrels of Water Per Month
Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Sarah Willard Last week, after a series of M3+ earthquakes, the RRC sent injection termination letters to 14 operators for 33 deep disposal wells