B3 Market Intel: 6 Key Takeaways from a Permian Year in Review

The Ongoing Recovery of Oil Production and Water Disposal

DUC Inventory, Disciplined Drilling, and Consolidation for Third-Party Water Managers

Recovery Varies Widely Across Permian Counties

Recycling in NM – What Can Be Seen in the Data?

Economies of Scale: a Multi-Dimensional Concept

Seismic Activity Trends

OilfieldH2O Insight
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Permian Basin Water Outlook
Multi-phase study produced with our partner, Enverus
Gain insight on frac water demand, produced
water production and injection, reservoir capacity compared to forecasted injection volumes, and analysis of how the water management industry is structured today and in the future.

Disposal Well Directory
Delaware, Central, Midland Sub-basins, Eagle Ford, and Haynesville
SWD data and mapping you need to grow your business. Access injection & commercial type, permit data, contact info, and more using a convenient, mobile-friendly and desktop solution.
- Granular and Basin Wide Views
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- Key Well Idenftifiers & Location Details
- Search & Plan with Commercial and Non-Commercial Options
- Geospatially View Locations at the Office or On the Go